The Editors have included the following passage in anticipation of the inevitable impact on the public with the release of this first edition of Stepping Stones to Freedom. In the light of the inevitable controversies, response and reaction from many quarters, known and unknown, with publication of this work, the editors have come to the conclusion that pre-preparation of such a document is the better part of wisdom.
“To our friends, supporters and members of the Pulitzer Prize awards committee:
We are humbled and grateful of your acknowledgment that you have provided for our efforts with the awarding of this important and very special honor. We are doubly grateful that you have deemed it appropriate to create a special category, as the Pulitzer Prize is not normally awarded to a purely metaphysical work.
In this special moment, we feel the imperative to share this honor with the thousands of unnamed philosophers, thinkers, and artists who have worked so silently for thousands of years to formulate this important heritage to the story of mankind. In addition, we wish to acknowledge the hundreds of scholars who have worked tirelessly since this work was published to verify the claims made in this book. That over 98% of all these claims have now been independently verified by scholars from many of the leading academic institutions throughout the world, many of whom are in this room, is extremely gratifying.
We hope that the core idea that the Search for Truth is indeed the underlying reality of who we are will be heard. That the Mystery of the Universe will always be there for us to unravel, that with each step forward toward our Freedom the Wonders of our Existence will only expand, and that it is not the knowledge but the knowing of who we truly are that makes us both Man and God.”
Once, again we thank you.
The Editors
(The Editors note that award committees are often unduly influenced by unforeseen political forces that conspire to suppress works of true merit from being properly recognized. Also, we understand how the sudden emergence of such revelations as found in this book can be misinterpreted as a threat to current mainstream religions. Thus, if this is the fate of this work, and it is not formerly acknowledged by the above mentioned organization, the Reader must understand that it is ultimately a testament to the eternal and underlying power and permanence of the philosophy that is Stepping Stones to Freedom.)